You say we’re bakery hopping like it’s a bad thing

NY Attitude goes Minnesota Nice

Hello from Lake George!  Long time no post, but I figured no one was online over the long holiday weekend and didn’t worry about posting.  Lets get this going:

Sunday/Monday, May 30 – 31st -Day Five & Six of Vacation (not including travel days)

This past Sunday may have been the most fun I’ve had the entire trip.  For some reason Theresa and I decided we needed a cake.  It was probably from perusing the Chocolate Mill two nights before, but we couldn’t get it out of our heads and decided we needed it as motivation/energy to actually start organizing her closet – which was the purpose of my trip (outside of socializing).  Theresa also wanted to check out a store that I can best equate to I.Appeal in Anoka.  An oddly placed store of amazing brands of clothing.

Unfortunately for the proprietor of the store they changed their hours and were closed on Sundays.  Which was a shame for them because Theresa was ready to drop a load of cash there just based on the list of brands they carried alone.  It was not a shame for us however because it gave us an excuse to “check out” the Chocolate Mill one last time before I had to leave.  Sadly they did not have the buttercream cake we had been dreaming about since Friday night, but they did have a double fudge brownie that took the edge off the pain and disappointment we were feeling.

Bakery hoppers know how to cut calories - we totally split this.

It did not however change the fact that we wanted a cake.  So off to Baker’s Dream we went!  Since it was a holiday weekend and bakeries apparently close around 2:00 p.m. on Sundays we were left with a pitiful selection to make up for the loss of our buttercream cake.  So we settled on two lemon tartlets and headed off to Gimbels.  Or Gambiles or Jimbo’s.  I don’t know and I don’t care, because apparently they close ridiculously early and again we were left cake-less, with no replacement for our hard work of locating another bakery in Glens Falls.  Only now we were hopped up on sugar and Theresa started talking about my iPhone like it is a magic wand that can make cakes appear.  My phone is a lot of glorious things, but unfortunately there is no app that turns my ass into Harry Potter.  If there was I’d totally buy it.

Lemon Tartlets from Baker's Dream

After Glambert’s Bakery totally bummed us out we pretty much drove around aimlessly while debating if we should track down another bakery or just stop at Price Chopper.  After calling some bakeries to check hours and cake availability (and receiving some very unprofessional ringback tones) we realized the rest of the bakers listed in the white pages were most likely little old ladies baking goodies from their kitchens and wouldn’t have a store front for us to park at.  We decided on Pricechopper where Theresa practically had a cakegasm at the cite of one of their cream puff cakes, but ultimately we settled on a little 6 inch circle cake with a giant pink flower in the middle.  It took a lot of debate and back and forth, and the baker got a kick out of watching us, but we finally found our Closet Cake!  Hurray!  And I forgot to take a picture, sorry, my bad.  Here’s a picture of the Gimbles cake Theresa brought home 2 days later because it was only $6.00 and she wanted me to try a Gimbles cake before I left:


After our bakery hopping we were a little hopped up on sugar even though we hadn’t cut into our victory cake yet so…we took a nap.  I love vacationing with Theresa!  After nap time we went and purdy-ed ourselves up to go down to the restaurant my Godbrother Allen will be working at this summer for some yummy italian food.  With it still being the holiday weekend it took awhile to navigate through Lake George and the mass of tourons, but we made it to the restaurant without intentionally hitting any pedestrians.  Once we arrived Theresa took me to the spot she would like to get married in and it is beautiful!

I was in a touristy area so I finally got to take pictures and not feel lame.

Theresa's future wedding ceremony spot, at the bottom near the rocks.

Different view, same location

Once we were done aerating the lawn with Theresa’s heels we successfully navigated the terrain back down to the restaurant and proceeded to harass Allen at work.  He was just assigned a very large table prior to our arrival, but being the supportive family members we are we demanded to be seated in his section anyway.  Initially Theresa sat where she could see him work, but then we decided that would either be incredibly annoying or intimidating and she moved so that she was facing the window (and me).  It worked out great until the sun went down and she could watch his reflection in the mirror.  Suffice it to say I spent the rest of the evening having a conversation with Theresa’s profile ;).

Allen in action.

Proud Mama!

Silly tourist.

Garçon? What's good here? Garçon, more bread. Garçon? More chardonnay for the lady.

Allen did a fabulous job as our garçon, albeit with a lot more sighing and eye rolling than his other paying customers probably received… But he made great recommendations and we rewarded him by sectioning food on the side of Theresa’s plate for him to eat after clearing our table.  Being a fancy restaurant and all we (i.e. Theresa) went all out and lived it up:

I've turned into one of those people that take pictures of their food...


So, we may or may not have eaten our appetizers so fast I completely forgot I was blogging and taking pictures of everything.  We ordered essentially meatball sliders (Seriously, what’s up with the slider craze?  At a fancy italian restaurant we had to order sliders to get meatballs!) which were very delicious meatballs sandwiched between two pieces of garlic bread and slathered with sauce and possibly cheese.  It was very messy, but also very good.  That’s usually how that combination goes, isn’t it?  🙂  After the sliders we shared an appetizer of some very large shrimp in a sort of shrimp scampi appetizer with arugula.  Theresa was in heaven!  And even happier when her entree came and it was slathered in a very similar sauce to what the shrimp scampi came in.

Chicken Scallapni: I have no idea, it's not on their website. Best guess lemon scallapni sauce with mashed potatoes and stuffed artichoke.

Gnocchi peperonata: Fresh Potato Gnocchi, grilled artisan sausage, fennel, peperon

I really wanted to try gnocchi for the first time and was pleased the dish I was eyeing was exactly what Allen would’ve recommended.  He was right, it was good!  After completely forgeting about our Closet Cake waiting for us at home we decided to get the overall fancy restaurant experience and split dessert.  Unfortunately this fancy restaurant gets a lot of their food *cough*frozen*cough* premade and our yummy chocolate goodness was heated too long and was seriously lacking that yummy ooze you order the damn thing for:

Kinda forgot the picture taking thing again...

After finishing it I was happy it came with strawberries because I suddenly remembered those bakery runs happened in the same day as the fancy restaurant.  Probably could’ve done without dessert, but what’s vacation without dessert?  Afterwards I drove us home (no stalls!  TRADITION! Can probably stop bragging about that after 3 successful trips.) and was surprised at the number of people who consider Lake George Village a boardwalk.  Probably because I have more options at home, but more so because I was driving a strange car in a strange place, at night, and that touron road rage is contagious.

Once we were home we decided it was too late to start on the closet and it and the Closet Cake would have to wait until tomorrow (Monday)…Which incidentally is being grouped with today’s (Sunday’s) post!  You lucky ducks, won’t have to live in suspense!

Monday started off low key.  I took my meds for my wrist a lot later in the day and ended up feeling the drowsy side effect for it full force and laid down while Theresa hung out in the pool.  Once we got our laziness out of the way we sent the men outside to garden (seriously) while we went up to her closet.

I didn’t think Theresa would want her messy “before” closet on the blog so I never took before pictures and we both regret it because it turned out awesome!  The clothes hoarder had a hard time letting go, but after very few arguments she was able to get rid of 5 1/2 bags of clothes and one big box of shoes and bags!  Go Theresa!  It was really hard for her, but she sorted through all of it in just over 2 hours!  After she finished the hard part I kicked her out of her bedroom to make dinner around 6 and said I’d be done by 11:00 p.m. and no one was aloud upstairs until I was done.  They thought I was crazy, they clearly don’t know how much crazy gets done in under 3 hours:

Notice full range of motion when opening the door!

Doug mocked the Cake Closet / Closet Cake so his side stayed messy.

Doug only gets half of one side. Poor Doug.

She color codes!

So that was my first Thai food experience, BBQ, bonfire, bakery hopping, fancy restaurant eating, touron avoiding,mad woman organizing Memorial Day Weekend!

Show love in the comments, and if you forgot to make sure and hover your cursor over the pictures – I’ve titled them :).



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